I'm so happy you found us!
In 2018 I bought a macrame wall hanging at a local market. A few weeks later the sellers hosted a workshop and I was drawn to attend. I instantly fell in love and my brain was happy learning a new skill and having an outlet from my former full time job. I continue to learn on my own and quickly started an Etsy site just one month later to help offset the cost of supplies. It was a fun hobby at the time and I was happy to make a few sales a month!
After I started, I slowly starting teaching workshops and doing pop-up markets around San Diego while still working a full time job. In 2020, my now fiance and I were living in a RV full time and I created the Original Macrame Fruit Hammock to overcome the lack of counter space. It immediately had more traction than any of my other products. It created some great sales and kept me busy while being furloughed during the pandemic. In December of 2020, a silly tweet about the fruit hammock started a viral streak, making it's way to Instagram, Facebook, Buzzfeed, and beyond! At one point I had over 1,200 fruit hammocks to make!
Since then, I have caught up on orders and with being able to work from home we have moved from San Diego to Indianapolis to be closer to my family. I'm still selling lots of fruit hammocks and have enjoyed getting familiar with the supportive local maker community! You can find me teaching workshops around the area and doing pop up markets as often as I can!
Our little family wouldn't be able to do this without your support. Our dogs, Jack and Bean, especially thank you that mom no longer has to leave them for nine hours a day!
Aside from online and local markets, there are a few places you can find Mara-YAY products in real life!
Bloom, inside of Studio 31 Danville, IL
Rivers and Roads, Nashville, IN
Mercantile 37, Noblesville, IN